Monday, August 29, 2022



I love the fall. The weather cools down, the trees turn color, and we all get busier. 


at The City Reliquary, 370 Metropolitan Avenue (outdoors)
I will be selling my minicomics including my latest releases, “Name the Villaine” and “Cadaver Diaries."


Bethesda North Hotel & Conference Center, Bethesda, Maryland
I will be selling minicomics at Table I14 and presenting a self-care for cartoonists workshop.
My latest author head shot!

SEPTEMBER 20 7:00-8:30PM ET

THE VISUAL ARTS AND GRAPHIC MEDICINE IN MEDICAL EDUCATION Zoom panel hosted by the Society of Illustrators.

Here's the description of the panel--The incorporation of arts/humanities education is a growing trend in the training of healthcare professionals. Many medical schools are offering arts and humanities elective courses and opportunities for deeper engagement within these areas. This panel (of physicians, artists, students, cartoonists, and educators) will explore the clinical, interpersonal, professional, and practice-based skill benefits of these interdisciplinary arts programs. They will describe their roles in arts-based medical education, share their creative work, and investigate the influence of the artist on medical culture

The panelists are all people I know from my artist residency at the Master Scholars Program in Humanistic Medicine at NYU Langone Grossman school of medicine. Artist Laura Ferguson was the Inaugural AIR in the MSPHM and developed the brilliant Art and Anatomy class offered at NYU. Katie Grogan co-directed the medical humanities program at NYU for 10 years. Emily Yin, Michael Natter, and Michael Shen are very talented doctors and cartoonists. And there's me.

The plan is that we share information valuable to everyone--artists interested in teaching or working in medical settings; medical educators who would like to instigate arts programing in their departments; students, staff, and healthcare providers curious about the content of these classes; healthcare practitioners who also have a creative practice; plus anyone else who is curious.

An image from my in-progress book.


In and around Columbus Ohio. See site for specific event locations.
I will be selling minicomics and presenting a self-care for cartoonists workshop.

Between these events, working on my book, and teaching, I'm going to be super busy through Thanksgiving!

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